Multidisciplinary learning for B-schools students

Multidisciplinary learning facilitates broader perspective and better communication skill in students. This enhances their problem-solving ability and critical thinking. Market and society require graduates with these skills in a big way. It is in the interest of the business schools that they open up avenues for a multidisciplinary learning for students. However, this is not going to come about without its challenges.

Ashish came back from his campus placement selection. He was selected in Barclays. He was going around with a packet full of sweets and meeting teachers, seeking blessings and appreciations. This has become almost like a tradition that after securing campus placement students would meet their faculty with sweets in hand. One of our faculty once rightly remarked, “perhaps it happens only in India, indeed such a ‘sweet ’tradition!’ I generally would take this occasion to talk about the interview questions asked and reply made to those specific questions, just to get a hang of what made the student selected. I did the same with Ashish. As the conversation proceeded further, Ashish mentioned that the interviewers also asked him about current state of world economy and how geo-politics going to affect it. Ashish proudly referred to the debate organized on the topic of geo-politics, and he acknowledged that it helped him a lot in answering this question. In the similar note, yet another student Anant mentioned that his interviewers got a lot interested when he told them about Economic History of India course which he completed as part of open elective. Indeed, broadening the knowledge and perspective is so very important. It helps students in problem solving and critical thinking. Our society needs such graduates who can provide solutions to real world problem and carry broader perspectives of the issue at hand. Thinking beyond a fixed domain with multidisciplinary approach is essentially rests at the core of such broader perspectives.

Demand for education is linked to skills in demand

There is no doubt that the demand for tertiary education has increased by leaps and bound, especially in India. India’s 100-billion-dollar potential is being talked about as a reality. The size of organized sector has reached 50 million, demonstrating the potential of growing at an exponential rate added by the changes in global geo-political and economic axis. The size of Indian education sector stands at third largest in the world only after USA and China with 260 million school going children and 40 million higher education students. This has also fueled the rise in demand for management education, which in a way is closely linked to the demand for building skills. The post-COVID scenario of rising mental health issues and work-from-home (WFH) syndrome have posed its own challenges. Some of the trends that define companies’ options largely seem as follows:

  • Companies are investing heavily in health, hygiene and safety. Mental health is taking center-stage.
  • Companies continue striving to increase diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).
  • Companies are looking for alternative ways to communicate and AI, VR, metaverse is a reality.
  • Organizations are re-examining how they impact environment and how they can reduce their carbon footprint.

Given the above trends, it is important that graduates develop multi-disciplinary understanding, cutting across domains. The skills under focus can no longer be restricted to pure cognitive-faculty, rather it needs to transcend and incorporate non-cognitive faculty in a big way. The list is long, however, some of the most important can be as follows:

  • Problem solving
  • Analytical and critical thinking
  • Active learning
  • Resilience, stress tolerance
  • Respect for diversity, gender and environment 

This is where multi-disciplinary learning can help in a B-school which has been excessively focused on technical knowledge and practical hands-on learning. The spectrum of courses in a B-school does not allow scope for expanding beyond management. There is a lack of time as well as lack of willingness.       

Embracing Multidisciplinary Learning: A path forward

As the demand for skilled professionals continues to evolve in the ever-changing landscape of business and society, the role of business schools in shaping future leaders becomes even more critical. While the challenges of integrating multidisciplinary learning into B-school curricula are indeed significant, the potential benefits far outweigh the obstacles. It is time to embrace a paradigm shift that places multidisciplinary learning at the forefront of business education.

A Holistic Approach to Skill Development

In the pursuit of producing graduates who possess the agility, adaptability, and comprehensive skill set needed to address complex global challenges, B-schools must embrace a holistic approach to education. This entails breaking down the silos between different academic disciplines and encouraging students to engage with a diverse range of subjects. By broadening their horizons beyond traditional management concepts, students can develop a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of various fields and their impact on business outcomes.

Fostering Innovation and Creativity

Multidisciplinary learning is a catalyst for innovation and creativity. When students are exposed to diverse perspectives and knowledge domains, they are better equipped to identify unique solutions to multifaceted problems. The synthesis of ideas from economics, psychology, technology, environmental studies, and more can lead to groundbreaking insights that have the potential to revolutionize industries. Graduates who possess this ability to think outside the box and connect seemingly unrelated concepts are invaluable assets to any organization.

Nurturing Global Citizens

In today’s interconnected world, businesses operate on a global scale, and their impact transcends borders. Multidisciplinary learning equips students with the cultural intelligence and awareness necessary to navigate diverse markets and work effectively with individuals from different backgrounds. By integrating courses that explore social, ethical, and cultural dimensions, B-schools can contribute to the development of responsible and empathetic global citizens who consider the broader implications of their actions.

Collaboration as a Cornerstone

Multidisciplinary learning thrives on collaboration. By bringing together students and faculty from various disciplines, B-schools can create a vibrant ecosystem where knowledge exchange and co-creation are celebrated. Collaborative projects, interdisciplinary research initiatives, and joint workshops can bridge the gap between theory and practice, fostering a dynamic learning environment that mirrors the complexities of the real world.

A Call to Action

Multidisciplinary learning is not just a passing trend; it is a crucial avenue for preparing students to excel in a world that demands versatility, creativity, and a global mindset. B-schools have the unique opportunity to shape the future by fostering an environment that celebrates diversity of thought, encourages interdisciplinary exploration, and empowers graduates to make meaningful contributions to business and society. As we move forward, let us embrace this transformative journey and redefine the very essence of business education.

Author: Dr Prabhat Pankaj

Dr. Prabhat Pankaj is a postgraduate in Economics and a Ph.D. in applied economics. He is a teacher by choice and started his career 30 years ago in 1991 from Arunachal University. He has been teaching Economics at postgraduate and undergraduate levels for about 30 years, in Universities and B-Schools in India and abroad, including 7 years in Bhutan. Dr. Pankaj has also obtained his Executive Education in "Management and Leadership in Higher Education" at Harvard University, Boston, USA. Furthermore, He has written for the Times of India and other popular publications. Currently, he is serving as the Director of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur.

7 thoughts

  1. Students need to imbibe and develop lateral vision rather than tunnel because organisations are becoming more lateral than pyramidal!!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is higher education system awakener worldwide!
    How to take on “ non-cognitive faculty in a big way”???
    And how to find opportunities to excel in diversity of thought, encourage interdisciplinary exploration, and empowers graduates to make meaningful contributions to business and society at global scale?

    I think the crucial part we need is glocal level fast measurable effort- global in length and local in breadth.

    First move top 100 billionaires and their enterprises to bring in economic equality and hence prosperity for all? Yes inclusivity. That will help next generation!

    Bring in bright & best young minds from all doors on the globe- recruit them and expose them to global challenges and opportunities. Top that off with championed guidance from senior thinkers like you, that can bring in miracles we need in challenged world today!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A timely article that hits the nail on its head. In the changed business landscape and a much more globalised world, multidisciplinary education facilitating all round development of a student’s personality, is the key. Such education is likely to develop professionals who will be apt at handling complex real world problems, at times spanning continents, in an increasingly integrated world. Thanks for sharing Dr. Prabhat.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The emphasis on multidisciplinary learning highlighted in the content resonates deeply with the ethos of fostering well-rounded individuals equipped with versatile skills. As we reflect on the importance of cultivating broader perspectives and effective communication skills, it becomes evident that top 10 schools in vijayanagarplay a crucial role in nurturing such attributes among students. By embracing multidisciplinary approaches to education, these institutions prepare students to navigate complex challenges and thrive in diverse environments. While challenges may arise in implementing such approaches, the long-term benefits for students and society at large are undeniable. Through innovative teaching methods and collaborative initiatives, the top 10 schools in Vijayanagar can lead the way in promoting multidisciplinary learning and shaping future leaders capable of making meaningful contributions to the market and society.


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